Steady Love

Love is a goal for us all I’m sure. It is the most rewarding feeling that I think ones heart can achieve.  When you have been hurt and sometimes have felt broken, it can be a scary thing. You can encounter some amazing people and still wonder if they are meant for you. I honestly don’t feel like you will know if someone is for you until you truly understand you. Until you figure out your love language and what makes you feel loved. You won’t be very successful in the love department.  You won’t understand how important it is for you to receive the simple things you desire. You will sometimes go along in a relationship for long periods of time, without receiving anything close to the love you desire.

I find that if you truly know yourself,  you will encounter someone that gives you what you need, without you even having to say much. I feel like your spirit just simply finds each other. You will feel as though you have known them all your life.  You will feel like everything you have been wanting from those who couldn’t give you what you needed, were necessary for your growth. If you can’t look at a relationship as a tool to help you find you, then what is the purpose?

At some point you should be able to reflect on what you have endured and find a why in it. There is always a why. We don’t always see the why in the moment,  it’s there. Our soul is just waiting to wake up to show us. Understanding who you are helps you to figure out what it is you are searching for. Once you find you, you really don’t have to search anymore.  It just comes to you, without you even expecting it. It sounds so cliche when you hear that love finds you when you least expect it. I find it to be true. When it’s not top priority you don’t work so hard trying to make it happen.  No it won’t be easy to accept because you may be on alert from your past hurts. You have to think about how you are the difference.  You aren’t the person that is trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole anymore.  You are simply being who you are and allowing things to flow naturally. 

You are the love that you want. You are the love that you need. You are what you attract. Who you want is you. If you are being kind to yourself, you force people to do the same. The love that you want is in you, you have to wake it up. You have to stop trying to be the love that you need for others. They may not want that same type of love.

They may not be ready, their soul is probably still asleep. You can’t give something to a sleeping being, they are not aware to receive. We have to stop looking for what we need and just be that to ourselves so that it can come to us. Stop trying to force what you think you want onto someone else. You may not even speak their love language. I am thankful for all the relationships that I once saw as failures. I now realize they are victories,  I FOUND ME!!!

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