Are you happy?

One question I think we need to ask ourselves is, are we truly, undeniably happy? We have a time clock on our lives. We have no clue how much time is on it and it’s our duty to ensure we use it wisely. Often times we think we are happy but it’s a temporary fix. We buy things, we go places, surround ourselves with others, we do things we think make us happy. If you sit back and really think, if I had no money, would I be happy? If I couldn’t do anything but be alone with my thoughts, would I still be happy? I know happiness is a state of mind, so are you your own unhappiness?

Are you peaceful to be around? Do you get in arguments with people all the time? Do you enjoy your thoughts, are they positive? Do you have to question if someone likes you or not? Do you feel like someone is always hurting you? I think we lie to ourselves a lot more than we want to admit. We are not happy, we just pretend we are. We get so use to being unhappy and stressed we put up with anything. We get numb and don’t care if things change or not. Just think about it though, if you were confined to one room, in a bed, what would be your thoughts? If you knew your life was about to end and you couldn’t get up, how would you feel? Would you be pleased with who you are?20180204_093826

Would you be pleased about your life? Would you be pleased with what people would say about you when you are no longer here? I think that when we are truly happy with ourselves we are so much nicer to be around. Our aura is so much more colorful and inviting. We hold so much toxic energy within ourselves we can’t find true happiness. We won’t let go of past hurts and disappointment because we feel like we need closure to move on. We don’t forgive ourselves for past mistakes we have made. We allow others opinions to dictate what we should and should not do. The problem with that is I don’t think they know what to do with their own lives half of the time. Their focus starts to gear toward helping others fix themselves. Why would you take advice from someone who doesn’t know how to find their own happiness?

You may be blessed with finances and good health but what good is it if you don’t have true happiness. My definition of happiness is being able to look in the mirror and liking who you are. Being honest with yourself about your actions. Having no motives in the moves you make. I know so many people who manipulate situations to get what they want. To me their soul lacks the love of themselves. Lately it has been so important for me to help people understand that they need to think about themselves first.  It bothers me when someone has a problem and doesn’t evaluate themselves first.  I think if we all do that, we can start on the road to true happiness. Life will continue to knock us on top of our heads, if you are strong within yourself it won’t hurt as much.20180204_093729.png

I think about my current situation and I don’t like it. I want things to be completely different for my life. I do control the majority of that and I can say I’m happy. I’m happy because I figured out how to love myself. I figured out how to say no when I don’t want to do something and not feel bad about it. I figured out how to cut people off that don’t have the same intentions for me as I do for myself. I figured out how valuable I am to others, the list goes on. My point is I now understand that things can not give me true happiness.  People can not give me true happiness. The love of myself is where my happiness lies. Go get naked and stand in the mirror. Although you may not like your physical appearance look beyond that. How do you feel when you’re naked, are you free? Do you rush to put clothes on, or do you just let it all hang out for a while? Regardless of the physical, it’s the mental that needs the work. Think about a baby, look a the joy they have when they can run around naked. They have not a care in the world. We should adopt this same attitude, but in a mental state.

People see your physical first and once they get to know you, it’s who you are that determines if they want to be around or not. We put too much focus on our appearance and what we have. We don’t spend enough time on who we are. We want to achieve things sometimes to let that be who we are. I think people confuse that though. An achievement is an achievement it’s still not who you are, it’s something that you did.20180204_093751

Once you achieve something it just becomes a memory, then you have to go on to the next achievement. What happens if the next thing fails? Will it change who you are, or will you continue to strive for the next thing? We have to work on building ourselves up from the inside out. The foundation of who we are won’t change if it’s strong. No matter what storm comes in our lives, we can continue to have genuine happiness. We won’t have to put up a front or fake happy face. You can say with confidence, I don’t like my current situation, but I am happy with who I am.

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